You know the ones. I mean the ones that stand there, gossipping about everyone in your neighbourhood.
Now, I'm not saying that I despise old women (I mean, come on, I'm not completely heartless.) but I do despise how they block your way by standing in groups, gossipping, when actually they're in a shopping centre, not a tea shop.
Many times I've been trying to get shopping done and I end up stuck in a tiny little market isle behind some old dears with trolleys, having a natter. Ladies - I'm trying to move here!
Today just tipped me over the edge. I have NOT had a good week as it is. I have caught a cold. Yay. I have an ear infection, due to said cold. Yay. All I wanted from the damn shop was hairspray. That is all. So, I picked up my hairspray and made my way to the tills. Only to find the isle blocked by a group of about 7 little old ladies WHO WOULDN'T SHUT UP. I said 'Excuse me' several time. Very politely, may I add.
Since they weren't making a move, I decided to try and walk around them. I'd love to tell you that I got safely past the gossipping grannies and made my way to the tills, but in my life, things aren't that simple. As I tried to get past the nattering Nana's, my bag knocked a bottle of wine off the shelf.
So, there I was, looking as gorgeous as ever with my red nose, red eyes and the general 'I have a nasty cold' look and the whole shop was staring at me as though I'd just killed someone. Then, one of the grannies looked up at me disapprovingly and said "That was your fault!"
Now, I understand that it was my bag that knocked the bottle. HOWEVER, I wouldn't have had to squeeze my way down the isle if the OAPs were doing what they were supposed to be doing: Shopping instead of chatting!
So, that's exactly what I told the old dears. Of course, it didn't go down too well with them and they walked of snootily with their shopping trolleys muttering about the 'youth of today'.
Moral of the story: Avoid groups of gossipping old women whenever possible. If they can't be avoided, don't try to squeeze past them.
Rant for today over.

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