So, I'm Katie. I set up this blog as a venting place for me to come and have a bit of a rant. You don't have to stick around and read any of this crap, but hello to you anyway.
I'm a media student as well as a full-time feminist and professional Fangirl. I have a love/hate relationship with the world. I also like to call myself an in-denial pessimist.
There are a few things you should know about me:

When I say mad, I mean mad. She is clinically insane. 5% of the time, she's cute as can be. 95% of the time, she is a bitch in the literal and insulting meaning of the word.
She loves making life difficult for me by using a variety of different methods such as stealing my clothes to use as extra bedding and only ever doing her business when we're in the middle of crossing the road.
This is my obsession. Giraffes.
I love them. I have no idea how it happened. I just went to the zoo one day, saw them being fed and BOOM it was love. Now, every time I go to the zoo, there's no dragging me away from the giraffes.
I happily became the proud adotptee of a giraffe at my local zoo for my 21st birthday. Most people want cars and flash parties. I wanted a giraffe. I don't know why I love them so much. Maybe it's just because they look pathetically awkward, like me?
This is me in my natural habitat. On the laptop, of course.
Okay, so, what else can I tell you about me? Well, you should probably know that I spend way too much of my time being emotionally invested in fictional characters. Hours upon hours of my life have flown past whilst I've cried over a new book or the latest episode in a TV show (Mostly Supernatural, you always have to worry about your favorite characters in Supernatural.)
I'm also 99.9% sure I'm a hypochondriac. It's gotten to the point now were my mother will no longer watch hospital dramas with me because I immediately start thinking I have half of the illnesses that they show.
That's about it really. Well, it's not, I could spend a whole day boring you with pointless stories about myself, but who has time for that???
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